Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 4

Today was a Sunday and I already did all my homework so there wasn’t really anything pressing that I had to do. My friends Jana and Stephen were watching TV in Jana’s dorm room so I wandered over and watched a bit with them. When I first came in, they were watching a movie called Nim’s Island and Stephen was complaining loudly about how awful it was. The cast included Jodi Foster and Gerald Butler but even their talent couldn’t make up for the plot. Stephen finally burst out how he couldn’t take it anymore and told us to look up the ratings for it on and we found that it was ranked a five point six out of ten. Every once in awhile the movie would cut out to a commercial break and the station would advertise that the movie 10,000 B.C would be coming on next. Again Stephen complained that he hated that movie so once again we checked to see if it was worth watching and it came up as a three point two out of ten so we didn’t bother watching it. We just put in Mel Brooks' Spaceballs instead (Which is ranked as a six out of ten).

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